Building healthy habits

Healthy habits, we all strive for them and, let’s be honest, at some point all miss the mark. This is normal. Don’t beat yourself up about it though, because it is also easy to get back on track with a few simple steps. Let’s back up and start at the beginning…

You are going along happily through life doing your thing and feeling good about it. And then, bam! You notice that you are spending far too much time on social media or watching Netflix, over eating, skipping the gym and neglecting your health, work and/or well-being and not feeling so great about it. So, what do you do now?

Well, the first step is to identify not only the unhealthy habits but also the triggers leading to them. Basically take a look at your current patterns and unhealthy habits and list them out. If it is too much TV time, write that down. If you also snack and overeat while watching TV, add that to the list. Now, look at what led to the shift to overindulgence of these things. Is it stress at work, an injury or illness setback, seasonal depression, etc. Write these down as well. Now, you have a list of what you want to change and what is leading to the behaviors that are concerning you.

The next step is to list healthy activities and habits that you want to strive for and have in your life. Positive behaviors and healthy habit goals if you will. For example, you may want to replace TV time with a daily workout routine and over indulging on snack foods with eating more vegetables.

Then, indulge yourself. What is some thing that you have been wanting to do or purchase??? Have you been wanting to get your hair or nails done? Get a new outfit? A new book or game? Use these as rewards and motivators. You can set mini goals like two weeks of sticking to the new plan gets you the book. Then if you are able to replace more TV time with more activity for a month, you get a new outfit. Something to look forward to can definitely help to not only continue progress but also to maintain.

Now you are ready to make a plan. List out exactly what the healthy habit goals you have are. Then make some objectives that are manageable and get you to your healthy habit goals. The objectives should look something like action steps such as reducing the TV time daily, setting specific times to watch TV or scheduling TV breaks. Then add in the healthy habit in steps such as doing crunches during commercials, going for a walk instead of watching TV or even joining a gym and going daily during what would have been a normal TV watching time.

At this point a calendar will come in handy to schedule the workouts and track progress. And, highly suggested as well is an accountability buddy. Someone who you can check in with on progress and even setbacks to help get you back on track. They can also join you in some activities or taking a fitness class with you to help keep you motivated.

Now you have a solid plan to get back on track with healthy habits! Please remember to be kind to and patient with yourself during the process. We are only human and none of us are perfect. There will be ups and downs, but if you follow the steps and lean on your buddy, you can certainly succeed.


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