Motivation to Exercise

Exercise…we all know we need it and so often we dread doing it. But why? Is it that we do not like the exercises we are doing, think we don’t have enough time in our day or are not seeing the results we want quick enough? So how do we get around all of that and do the thing we know we need to do. Let’s break it down. First treat the time dedicated to working out/exercising like an appointment you would make and keep for work or the spa. Schedule the time daily and keep that appointment with yourself. What if it is that you have been doing a workout routinely and are now burnt out on it. That is a fairly easy fix, switch it up. There are so many apps, websites, streaming channels, gyms and the great outdoors that offer up a variety of activities that you could switch up daily and do a different one every day of the year. If you are over doing lunges to build your quads, google variations and other exercises to do. Do not forget to include being active in nature to add to your repertoire of amazing activities to build not only physical health but also mental health. Now to the big frustration of wanting instant gratification in results from exercise. Progress is progress and any steps forward are steps toward your ultimate goal. Go ahead and make these words your mantra as this will be a mental struggle. It is also a great idea to get a workout/accountability buddy so that you can boost each other and keep one another going strong. Remember, it takes four weeks for you to start seeing results, 8 weeks for friends and family to see a change and about 12 weeks for others to notice. But, the true measure is all in how you feel :)


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