Food for Your Mood

So often we get caught up in diet to lose weight or even for physical/health issues. But, did you know that what we eat can affect our mood and mental health? Mood disorders can develop from stress on our systems causing inflammation which can lead leaky gut and then to all sorts of things being off in our bodies and brain including our moods. There are foods that can boost mood and foods to avoid so as not to increase anxiety and depression. Let’s start with the foods to boost our moods. These are the ones that can nourish the brain while stabilizing blood sugar and reducing inflammation. The best foods to accomplish this are healthy fats like organic beef, lamb, chicken, salmon, eggs, olive oil and coconut fats. Green vegetables, leafy greens and bitter greens like arugula and watercress and orange vegetables like sweet potatoes stabilize the blood sugar. Blue and red fruits such as blueberries and raspberries aid in reducing inflammation. The foods to avoid as they increase inflammation and dis-regulate blood sugar, affect hormones and gut health leading to mood changes and disorders are fried foods, fast foods, processed foods, margarine, artificial sweeteners, MSG, processed meats, corn syrup, refined white flour and soy (in the form of milk, protein, burgers and yogurts). Following a healthier diet of whole, organic, natural foods and avoiding processed foods can help to reduce anxiety and depression and help boost endorphins and promote and support good mood. So, happy eating :)


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